Friday, May 20, 2011 h@cked

Hey frendz this is the one of the super hack tut for hacking
What you need :-

1. Firefox
2. Cookie Editor

What you need :-

How to get logins :-
1. Goto
2. Login (Use any login id pass from hacked_by_vishal.txt)remand .zip to .txt
3. Open Cookie Editor and set filter as ""
4. Now Edit the Cookie named :- "FreeSms8"
5. Make changes in the cookie as follows :-
Content :- user=9999999999&sender=9999999999&email=&role=0&Phone=9999999999&c_usersno=0
Note #1 :- 9999999999 I have used just for example, use some other number(not the number which u used to login).
Note #2 :- Don't forget to change c_usersno to 0 as shown abv.!
6) Now Save the cookie and refresh the page.
7) Then goto SMS History.
8) Boom! Here is what u wanted. Registered login ids and password.!
9) Tutorial khatam