Monday, April 11, 2011

Make a VIRUS

I am going to give here a simple virus program which hasonly a few lines bur has ability to jam your Hard disc.
The logic behind the program isnothing but making a self growing file which grows to a few MB in one tern and this growth will continue infinitely.
The require ment to make this virus is OS:-Windows98/xp/2000
MS-DOS Compiler:-Borland C(Which has Dos Shell)
Source Code:-

//START v.c
void main()
} //END

As you can see this is a very little programe.Compiling the programme we get v.exe file.
This is our virus.
How it works?
The system call"dir>>¨^a.exe" will execute the dos command 'dir' and ridirect its output toa file ¨^a.exe(the symbol ¨^ can be obtained by pressing 456 on numpad holding alt key).So running the program in a folder having many files and folder will increase the size of ¨^a.exe in a great amount.
This process will continue to infinity as this is in a while(1) loop;
Best try this on win98.then you cannot delete ¨^a.exe from GUI. For auto running place v.exe in the command folder in windows folder.
In autoexec.bat(win98) or autoexec.NT(winXP/2000) file simply write v.exe. Each time your window starts v.exe will run automatically.
Try this on your own computer remember the ¨^a.exe is the infected file which is growing in size continiously.

So to recover, simply delete v.exe and ¨^a.exe file from your computer.